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August 1, 2019The Self-Advocacy Association of New York State (SANYS) Job Fair

The Self-Advocacy Association of New York State (SANYS), a non-for-profit organization run by and for people with developmental disabilities, is pleased to announce a GREAT & NEW event coming to the Capital Region for Self-Advocates.
SANYS’ CAPITAL REGION JOB FAIR is scheduled to take place Wednesday, September 18, 2019 from 11:00AM – 2:00PM. The Job Fair will be held at the Empire State Plaza, Legislative Office Building (LOB) in Albany, NY.
The SANYS’ CAPITAL REGION JOB FAIR is an event for Self-Advocates who are looking for a full or part-time job and for local Employers who are looking for people who are ready, able and have skills that would be an asset to their companies. Some potential candidates may need reasonable accommodations to perform their job duties. There are services and supports, such as job coaching, etc. that are available to assist individuals to be successful employees.
We are inviting employers who may be interested in coming to host a Vendor table where they can share information on their companies and meet potential future employees. If your company is interested in vending at SANYS’ Capital Region Job Fair, please contact Cynthia Gilchrist at cgilchrist@sanys.org or Shameka Andrews sandrews@sanys.org or call (518) 382-1454.
SANYS is pleased to help organize this opportunity to bring Self-Advocates and local Employers together which will enhance their opportunities for employment and to support the workforce in the region. We are excited about this new venture and are committed to have dynamic Employers and strong Self-Advocates from the region in attendance who are ready and willing to be great employees and employers!
Self-Advocacy Association of New York State
500 Balltown Road Bldg. 12B
Schenectady, NY 12304
(518) 382-1454 (office)
(518) 382-1594 (fax)