
December 3, 2016

Ableism, Awareness and Activism at the Pomfret School

December 3, 2016 – Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak to the student body at the Pomfret School in Connecticut. The  350 students are working on special projects discussing and considering strategies to support Ableism.  I am honored to be a small part of the effort. Owen Robinson, 13  traveled with me and received a quick tour of the school. While Owen toured the campus, I had the opportunity to visit with 10 students over dinner.
December 5, 2016

#PWDConnectJobs: UK Focus on Disability

Interesting report from Relief Web. You can see the full post here.  Good to see the UK making disability a priority. The UK continues to be a leader in disability issues around the world. – ~John Robinson International Development Secretary announces new focus on disability on International Day for People with Disabilities The UK will lead a step-change in the world’s efforts to end extreme poverty by pushing disability up the global development agenda, International
July 3, 2020

Journey Along the Erie Canal | 1st Mile Challenge 2020

Today, we talk to Jean Mackay of Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor about the inspiration for the 1st Mile Challenge and where it is going in the future. Doug Hamlin and Andrea Robinson share about why we cycle and who inspires us through the years! Since 2013, Journey Along the Erie Canal has grown to include thousands of individuals with disabilities, community leaders, and allies who meet John and his team, cheer them on, and even cycle alongside them.