#NDEAM to #NoShave – It’s November 1st 2021
November 1, 2021Job Opportunities: Goodwill
December 22, 2021Survey | Perspectives of Jobseekers with Disabilities: The Impact of Employer Messaging

Perspectives of Jobseekers with Disabilities:
The Impact of Employer Messaging
You are invited to take part in a research study designed to better understand the perspectives of individuals with disabilities/chronic health conditions during the job search process. Specifically, we will ask questions about:
(1) The approaches you use for finding jobs and
(2) What information is important to you in evaluating whether an employer is disability-inclusive.
The results will be used to develop tools and resources to help employers attract and recruit applicants with disabilities more effectively.
WHO SHOULD COMPLETE THIS QUESTIONNAIRE: Participants should be adults with disabilities (18 years or older) who either are currently searching for a job or have engaged in a job search online within the last two years.
ABOUT THE QUESTIONNAIRE: The questionnaire should take about 15 minutes. Your questionnaire responses will be anonymous and reporting of results will be done in aggregate form only. Your participation in this questionnaire is voluntary and we anticipate that it presents no greater risk than everyday use of the Internet There are no direct benefits to you. If you participate, you can skip any question or stop the questionnaire at any time.
TO THANK YOU: Participants who complete the questionnaire can choose to be entered in a drawing for a $25 gift card (the chance of winning is 1 in 10). You will be redirected to another form to enter the drawing, so your contact information will not be linked to your questionnaire responses.
Click to take survey