March 31, 2017

Internships Available with Member Companies in 2017 and 2018 | Sign Up Today

In the past 12 months, we have added businesses across New York State as members to our business leadership network. These businesses are interested in employing people with disabilities. We are being asked by some of the businesses to put together a coalition of students/graduates interested in beginning their career.  To do this, they have offered us over 100 internships and entry-level positions to offer to our community!  These businesses include: J.P. Morgan Chase, M&T
January 4, 2018

Gov. Cuomo #CripTheVote, if you’re running for president.

In listening to the entire State of the State speech, New York can be proud of its social justice platform. But, there is work to do in regard to disability. People with disabilities were not mentioned once in the address. Our advocacy community in New York State must be included in the social justice conversation. Let Our Ability and our New York Business Leadership Network help Gov. Andrew Cuomo achieve this goal. If Gov. Cuomo