
December 3, 2016

Ableism, Awareness and Activism at the Pomfret School

December 3, 2016 – Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak to the student body at the Pomfret School in Connecticut. The  350 students are working on special projects discussing and considering strategies to support Ableism.  I am honored to be a small part of the effort. Owen Robinson, 13  traveled with me and received a quick tour of the school. While Owen toured the campus, I had the opportunity to visit with 10 students over dinner.
August 25, 2020

Trump’s America | Able White Male Privilege

By John Robinson This past weekend, I was walking along the boardwalk in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. I experienced Donald Trump’s America. I have spent many days throughout my 51 years walking in New Hampshire. I’ve been stared at – and commented about- many days. But I have never experienced what I did last week. I completely agree with Live Free or Die – the New Hampshire state motto. Having grown up in New Hampshire,
May 2, 2022

Our Ability Podcast: Disability and the Human Experience: A Discussion with Judith Heumann

Judith Heumann is a pioneer in the disability community and was called a “Badass” by the Washington Post.  The disability community needs more badasses!  It’s a great honor that we were able to share 30 minutes discussing disability and the human experience. Judy recently published her autobiography Being Heumann: an Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist is featured in Crip Camp and wrote a self-described children’s book titled Rolling Warrior.  We discuss the books, friendships, and what ableism means
May 9, 2022

Our Ability Podcast: Disability and the Human Experience: Poetry, Ableism and Stephen Kuusisto

Stephen Kuusisto directs BBI’s Interdisciplinary Programs and Outreach initiative. A University Professor at Syracuse, he is the author of the memoirs Planet of the Blind (a New York Times “Notable Book of the Year”). A graduate of the Iowa Writer’s Workshop and a Fulbright Scholar, he has taught at the University of Iowa, Hobart & William Smith Colleges, and The Ohio State University. We talk to Steve after years of friendship and discuss ableism, entrepreneurship, and poetry.